Excellence in Aesthetics

Fat Dissolving with Aqualyx & Lemon Bottle

injectable fat dissolving


1 Day

Pre-requisites: Level 3 Beauty Therapy, SPMU Qualification, Aesthetic Practitioner, Medical Professional

The course will teach the location and injection techniques used to reduce stubborn fat pockets in various parts of the body, dissolving the membranes of fat in order to approve the appearance.

You will understand how to successfully remove stubborn pockets of fat which are more difficult to get rid of through diet and exercise.

The course will focus on needle and cannula techniques in order to gain the best possible results.

Course Content:

  • Overview – fat dissolving
  • Fat dissolving uses and protocols
  • Safety in fat dissolving
  • Effective needle and cannula application
  • Product information- Aqualyx & Lemon Bottle
  • Troubleshooting 
  • How to practically administer injections
  • Background of the treatment
  • Indications of fat dissolving (medical and aesthetic uses)
  • Patient selection and aftercare
  • Relative contraindications
  • How to incorporate fat dissolving into your clinic, including pricing

When booking you will pay a 50% deposit with the balance due on the day.
PLEASE NOTE: We will NEVER contact you by email for payment.

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Gel Nails

Gel Polish

£120.00 (course only)
£230.00 (including course and kit)
1/2 Day
Pre-requisites: None